How to find active shares by the large bullish candlestick which have gap? A. The share price of opening gap rise and close to or upward breakthrough the previous high point after the reversal in a stage at the periodic bottom, meanwhile, it close at a large bullish candlestick with bald barefoot, it seems that the price will continue to go up. B. The volume of the large bullish candlestick increase accordingly which is approximately three times as previous volume, the huge volume is formed and cover all the previous volume. C. The price dropped for a few days after the large bullish candlestick of opening gap, and covering the upward gap of the large bullish candlestick, however, the volume was significantly decreased during the decline. 如何寻找异动股之跳空长阳 1、股价在阶段性底部反转上涨后,某日跳空开盘,且高开高走,股价接近或突破了前期高点,收出一根光头光脚的跳空长阳,似乎有离开底部继续上涨之势。 2、跳空长阳对应的成交量也相应放大,约有前期成交量的三倍之多,形成一根顶天立柱的长阳巨量,且覆盖了前期所有大量。 3、在跳空长阳后,股价高开却低走,甚至连跌几天,又回补了跳空长阳的向上跳空缺口,但下跌期间...