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正所谓股市中交易总是充满涨涨跌跌,让股民痛苦和备受煎熬的往往不是股市的暴跌,而是不知何时结束的震荡!那么到底当前的美国、新加坡和大马股市具体何时能走出这个震荡的区域呢?根据华尔街45年书籍的的记载,本月的20-25日为重要的趋势转折时期,.尤其是4.20日这天是中国农历二十四节气的谷雨,所以要格外小心。而且同时我们都知道,每年我们都会有关于“Sell in May”的传统和心理暗示!所以大家要重点注意!
1、当市场走出单边下跌的时候,我们没什么操作的想法 A. We had better not buy stocks when the market is in the downtrend. 2、哪怕中间不停地震荡,仍然是下跌,我们的操作就是一致的看空 B. We should still wait and see even if the stock price goes up and down which is in the downtrend 3、一旦某一次的震荡之后,市场拒绝新低并再度向上时,我们应第一时间做出空头平仓的操作 C. A short position can be closed out when the market not hits a new low and goes up again after the correction 4、市场无外乎两种可能:向上或者向下,可能会有人说,还可以横盘震荡,但最终市场还是会给出方向 D. There are two possibilities of the market which goes up or down, the market may still sideways, but eventually the market will give the dir...
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