
Showing posts from April, 2015



Drawing of Trend Line


How to Catch the Trend?

We should buy the shares in the uptrend and sell the shares in the downtrend, trend is very important for us if we want to make money in the stock market.

2015 4 22盘中点评

沙特结束也门军事行动,油价大跌2%;美股收跌,希腊股市重挫3.3%。 道琼斯工业平均指数下跌85.34点,报17,949.59点,跌幅为0.47%;标准普尔500指数下跌3.11点,报2,097.29点,跌幅为0.15%;纳斯达克综合指数上涨19.50点,报5,014.10点,涨幅为0.39%。盘面上,原材料和能源板块领跌,电信和医疗保健板块涨幅居前。 投资者正在评估欧洲上市企业的财报,而且看起来已经接受了希腊难以收到下一笔援助资金的现实。德国DAX 30指数收涨0.4%,报11939.58点;法国CAC 40指数收涨0.1%,报5192.64点;英国富时100指数收涨0.2%,报7062.93点。 美国NYMEX 6月黄金期货价格收盘上涨9.40美元,涨幅0.8%,报1203.10美元/盎司,得益于空头回补、逢低买盘、避险买盘和美元走软等因素。 原油期货价格收盘报55.26美元/桶,在市场担心美国原油库存会进一步增加之际,沙特宣布结束对也门空袭也利空原油市场。 美元指数日内最高升至98.45,最低跌至97.63。由于周二美国没有重要经济数据公布且美联储官员也没有讲话日常安排,美元指数缺乏方向指引,走势较为震荡,市场以技术面调整的走势为主。

Dynamic Chips

How to Catch short-term investment and how to operate penny stocks, you can learn good method from this video.

Investment Method

The shares usually have rebound when downtrend has been changed to sideways or uptrend, and we also need to know where is the banker cost.

MCD Practical Method Part III


Dinner with Jim Rogers in the Grand Mandarina Restaurant


The MCD Practical Method Part II


Iran piles pressure on US with China oil talks

Tehran officials are in Beijing this week to seek more oil sales, in a move that could reduce Iran's vulnerability to Western sanctions and pressure the U.S. to sign off on a deal to lift restrictions on Iranian oil exports. Representatives of the state-run National Iranian Oil Company are meeting with Chinese oil importer Sinopec and state-run oil trader Zhuhai ZhenRong for talks, officials told Reuters this week. This came after Iran and the "P5+1" countries—the five permanent United Nations Security Council members plus Germany—last week agreed to a framework for a deal that would see international sanctions on Tehran lifted in exchange for cuts to is nuclear program. "With negotiations going on, this (talks between Beijing and Tehran) will be presented as an investigatory discussion—but one that puts pressure on (U.S. President Barack) Obama to make a deal," Peter Morici, an economist and professor at the University of Maryland in the U.S. told CNBC. ...

Catching Low Point to Get in by Dynamic Chips!


Good Chart Pattern


The Chart of TSX


How to Grasp the Good Method to Catch the Rising Phase?

Can You Find Some Points for Catching the Rising Phase from this Chart?